Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Todd and Bree's Wedding

A few weekends ago we went to Todd and Bree's Wedding. Jeff and Ryan were groomsmen and Aaron was the minister. The four boys were all friends from high school. We had a really great time. The wedding was in San Diego and we were lucky enough to stay with my cousin Bridget and her husband Jeff and their daughter Tori. Monika and I were able to play with Tori in the morning since the boys had to leave early to get ready for the wedding. Tori is super cute but lots of work:)

Todd and Bree had a beautiful wedding in Rancho Bernardo. They wrote their own amazing vows and you could tell that they are truly in love. We can't wait to spend more time with them. We just have to get them to move closer. Fresno is too far!!

R.I.P. Honda Accord

On Saturday January 25th, about 30 seconds after I dropped Jeff, Aaron, and Ryan off to go to a bachelor party, I was side swiped by a 16 year old girl who "didn't see me." Farmers decided to total my car which was a bummer because we had just put a lot of money into it to try to keep it for another year or two. My parents are so nice because they are letting us borrow their Pontiac Grand Am- or as my dad has named it, The White Knight. I feel like a grandma driving that car, but it gets me around and that is all that matters:) We will hopefully be buying a new car within a few months.

New Years Eve

So I know we are back tracking, but I just wanted to share pics from our New Years in Wrightwood. We spent two nights at a cabin with our friends Carrie, Michael, and Craig. It was so nice to stay in on New Years Eve. We saved lots of money and we were able to stay safe. We had an amazing time. We had a great time dancing and singing to Taylor Swift, Kanye, Weezer, and many more:)


We live in Southern California, but here are a few pictures of when it snowed at my school in Beaumont in December. I know it is nothing compared to my Iowa family, but come is California.

A New Beginning

Well, it has been many months since our last post, but we have finally decided that we are going to keep up this blog. It is so fun to read about Ellen's adventures in India. Although we don't have such amazing adventures we just thought it would be fun to let everyone see what our life in Redlands is like.