Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well, after a long and difficult year, we have finally been blessed by God with a little soon-to-be Baby Smith. We struggled to get here and as much as I knew God had a plan for us, it was hard to wait for his plan. Now that I can see everything clearly, I see how God has really planned everything out perfectly. Baby S is due in April, which means I can take off April, May, and June as well as the summer months. Another part of His perfect plan, is that after a year leave of absence to have her own baby, a teacher friend of mine is ready to come back to work. We are going to try to job share, which means I will only have to work 2 days one week and 3 days another week. If everything works out it means that I will get to spend more time with my little one and watch him/her grow, which I am sure will go by way too quickly. Jeff is also excited that our little baby will only be 2 months younger than his good friend Ryan's baby. He is hoping they are the same gender so they will grow up to be good friends. I am hoping that my baby becomes good friends with Julie's little girl, Summer.
This is such an awesome and amazing experience to be going through. I am still very cautious about things because of the past struggles with miscarriages I have had, but we have now seen the heartbeat and heard it, so I am feeling very confident about things. I am learning to embrace being pregnant and starting to realize that I will be a mom soon. It seems crazy!! I will try to post pictures and things as I start to grow. I am 15 weeks along and so far, not much to show for it, but everyone says soon enough you will definately be able to tell I am pregnant. I continue to pray for a healthy baby and continue to thank God for all he has done for me and Jeff. I can't wait!!