Sunday, December 5, 2010

21 weeks!

Baby Smith is growing! I am now 21 weeks. We had our 20 week ultrasound on Friday and got some new pics of the little one. The ultrasound tech did a good job of only showing us the head and stomach since we don't want to find out the sex of the baby. Here are a few pics of my growing belly:)


Christmas is here!!! Jeff and I both love the holiday season. We got our things out early this year, we just couldn't wait. I love decorating the tree and putting on each ornament. This year I was super excited to get and early gift from my mother-in-law. I asked for some Christmas dishes and she decided to bring them to me this week so I could use them during the season. We are having a small dinner party with friends this year and it will be fun to use my new dishes!

Fun Times with Friends

Yesterday, I spent the evening at Monika's baby shower. Monika's husband Ryan is one of Jeff's best friends and we are so excited that they will have a little one in February:)

Over Thanksgiving Break Jeff and I spent the weekend in San Diego to celebrate our 4 year anniversary. We were lucky enough to be able to go to our first Charger game with our friends Lindsey and Nate. We had great seats and had a great time!!