Sunday, November 14, 2010

Forks and Eggs

My neighbor bought me this wonderful little day by day calendar that gives you one little fact each day about your baby. It is from the baby's point of view and it is really fun to turn the page each day to find out what new fact the baby will tell us about himself/herself. Yesterday, Jeff and I learned that our little one is the size of a dinner fork and weighs about as much as 3 large eggs. I love the facts that give us something tangible to compare the baby to. This week when I use a fork or make an egg for Jeff (eggs are about the only thing I can't stand to eat during this pregnancy) I will be reminded of Baby Smith!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

17 weeks

Tomorrow will be 17 weeks!! I am starting to show a little bit so I thought I would post a picture of my little belly. Everything is going great. We have another ultrasound on Nov. 23rd. We aren't finding out the gender of the baby but we are still excited to get some more pictures of the little one:)